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An upbeat website for a downtown school

the Southerner Online

An upbeat website for a downtown school

the Southerner Online

An upbeat website for a downtown school

the Southerner Online

Dana Richie

Dana Richie, Co-Editor in Chief

Dana is a senior who loves using her voice to tell other people’s stories as well as share her own views. She really enjoys writing for the Southerner and is a proud board member of the Grady Jesters Speech and Debate team. She also loves playing ultimate for the Grady Girls’ Varsity team.

All content by Dana Richie

Grady Cares

Dana Richie
December 1, 2020
Students celebrate lesser-known religious traditions

Students celebrate lesser-known religious traditions

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
April 19, 2019
The logo for International Women's Day features the traditional women empowerment logo. International Women's Day is celebrated worldwide on March 8.

International Women’s Day ought to be widely celebrated

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
March 7, 2019
Kate Carter returned to Grady this semester after four and a half years away from teaching.

Kate Carter returns to teaching at Grady

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
February 26, 2019
Playwright of "Waffle Palace" and Grady alum Eddie "Levi" Lee signs the script of Jack Dicarlo, who played John in the show. "Waffle Palace" is based on the crazy things that happen in a Waffle House at 3 a.m.

Alum Eddie “Levi” Lee inspires students

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
December 10, 2018
A TEACHING MOMENT: ESOL teacher Katherina Maryska explains a concept to senior Sabiha Akter. Akter is from Bangladesh where the official language is Bengali. Maryska uses body language to aid in learning.

ESOL students persevere through adversity

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
November 1, 2018
Brian Kemp is the Georgia Republican gubernatorial nominee. He has been criticized by the left for his extreme ads.

Conservative TV ads ‘round up’ Kemp supporters

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
October 23, 2018
WISE WORDS: Quotes posted in Grady hallways inspire students amid the blur of a busy day. Art teacher John Brandhorst came up with the concept of scattering various words around the school to encourage more observation of surroundings in students.

Words and quotes around Grady enliven environment

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
October 22, 2018
Movie posters advertising the Grady film 'Partners' lined the Grady halls on the week leading up to the shows.

‘Partners’ fills screen with new perspective

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
October 20, 2018
Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday September 27, 2018 amid allegations of sexual assault presented by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Allegations shake up Kavanaugh confirmation

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
September 28, 2018
Fraternal twins Dana and Griffin Richie pose for a picture before going to a friend's party. Photo by Clare S. Richie.

The twists and turns of being a twin

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
September 27, 2018
Senior Jordan Thomas  at Harvard University where he competed this year as part of the Harvard Debate Council's summer residency tournament.

High bar set after Thomas’ Harvard win

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle/ A&E Section Editor
August 21, 2018
VIEWS FROM CAPITAL HILL: Crowds of people, including students, from across the country marched to the capital, demanding legislation.

Students march for their lives amid gun control debate

Dana Richie, Online Lifestyle Section Editor
March 24, 2018
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Dana Richie