Dana Richie

A protester at the Justice For Us march on May 29 holds a sign reading “My Blackness is Not a Crime.”

No excuse for hatred toward African Americans

Seeing black men and women repeatedly be innocently killed by white police officers never gets any less agonizing. The fear that I, anyone in my family or a peer of mine can be next is extremely unsettling and fearsome. People often say “history repeats itself” when, in reality, nothing has changed over the years. 

To me, it feels like everyday there’s a new hashtag. We remember these innocent lives being taken in the spotlight for a few days, weeks and sometimes months just to be forgotten! 

What is even more unpleasant in these situations is how little, if any,  justice is received; these cops get to go home to their families each night, even if they are put behind bars.

People like George Floyd will never have that chance again; they will never be able to live out the dreams that they had for their future. To take those experiences away from another human is nothing but wrong and gives black people more reason to think of the police as untrustworthy. Why are the people who are supposed to help us killing us? 

There are so many questions with only one true answer: hatred towards the black race. These riots we are seeing, in my honest opinion, are rightfully ours to cause! We are tired of being peaceful, tired of trying to do things the way America wants us to, and we have the right to be exhausted. 

For many years, we have tried different ways to feel part of a country where black American ancestors were stolen and brought against their will. They stole us just to hate us and make us their property. We are NOT another human’s property! All we want is to be seen and treated just like any other citizen in this country.

I don’t understand why it’s so hard for us to be given that right. Now we have to take that right any and every way we possibly can and if they don’t like how we’re taking it, they shouldn’t put us in this situation in the first place. Black people are over trying to be nice and shelter our thoughts for people who don’t care about our well being and comfort in this country. People don’t understand that they are a part of the problem and they continue to watch on the sidelines instead of trying to understand our emotions and join us in the game. 

We need as many allies as possible but we are past the point where we beg for them. We will no longer sit back and let things change on their own; we will change them ourselves. As Malcolm X said, we’ll do this by “any means necessary.”