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the Southerner Online

An upbeat website for a downtown school

the Southerner Online

An upbeat website for a downtown school

the Southerner Online

School lunches allow some food insecure children to eat during the day. However, when school is out for the summer, federal and state-sponsored programs give these children access to meals.
Governer Brian Kemp rejects federal summer food plan
Brennan Fritts May 24, 2024

Governor Brian Kemp declined Georgia's participation in the federally-sponsored Summer Food Service Program in favor of state-sponsored plans,...

Exclusive Q & A with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jason Carter

State Sen. Carter (D-Decatur) announces that he will be running for governor of the state of Georgia.

Why did you decide to run for governor now?

We can’t afford four more years of the education policy we have … We just can’t afford that as a state.

What do you think of Governor Deal’s first term?

I think that Republicans and Democrats agree that he has failed to properly manage our education system …. [It] is on the brink. I think that is something that is unsustainable. It’s bad for our future, it’s bad for our business climate and it hurts families and children and we need to do a better job at that first and foremost.

What is your position on the new common core standards?

I think that one of the problems that we’ve had in Georgia is we keep going back and forth with different kinds of mechanisms for assessment and for teaching … Overall I don’t have a problem with the curriculum, but I do have a problem if we’re not giving people the resources they need to implement them.

What is your position on charter schools?

I support them and I think they are a good way to innovate within the public schools system and I think that there are good charter schools and there are charter schools that don’t perform well. I think what we need to do is make sure we find a way to ensure that the best practices we’ve got and then scale them out so that everyone can benefit from them. They’re good as a tool; I don’t think that they’re the answer or the silver bullet to the education issues that we have, and I certainly don’t agree with segregating them from the regular school system and having a state charter system that runs over local school boards.

What is your position on state-funded vouchers for private schools?

I’m opposed to that tax credit and in fact one of the things I did on the very last day of the session last year is create a bipartisan coalition that ensured that that tax credit does not grow, and that was one of the things that I thought was very very important.

If elected governor, would you expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act?

Today, with the roll out and everything that’s going on, Obamcare is a mess, but we have to find a way to make sure that Georgia tax payers are getting their tax dollars, are getting their money’s worth from the federal government. Right now, because of Governor Deal’s Washington politics, we’re sending our tax dollars away and not getting them back. There are ways to do that that makes sense and I would certainly try to find a way to do that.

Do you support delaying some of the requirements under the Affordable Care Act?

I think, given the fact we haven’t allowed people to sign up we have to delay it. Given the problems with the rollout we have to delay it. It’s only fair.

Do you support the deepening of the Savannah port?

Just like the governor and the mayor of Atlanta, I think it’s a crucial economic development project.

Kasim Reed has said that democrats shouldn’t challeng Deal this election. What do you think about his remarks?

I’d like to see him speak for himself. I have met with Kasim Reed, he is my friend, and a supporter of mine and that’s where I’ll leave it. If you look at his more recent quotes about my candidacy I think that’s where he is today.

DISCLAIMER: Kate Carter, wife of Jason Carter, advises The Southerner.

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  • L

    L. PriceDec 7, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    As a active alumni of Grady I am wondering if the paper is report the same questions to the other gubernatorial candidates. Where can I find those Q&A’s or has Grady decided to support candidates rather than presenting all the facts?

    • Q

      Quinn MulhollandDec 7, 2013 at 4:27 pm

      The Southerner currently has not had the opportunity to interview any gubernatorial candidates other than Jason Carter. The paper, however, has not yet endorsed any candidate for governor, and we are in the process of contacting other candidates to ask them about their positions on the major issues of this election. We strive to present all of the facts that we have in as fair and unbiased a way as possible, and if you believe that we have not done well in that regard, then I would encourage you to write a letter to the editor at [email protected] or Thanks for your feedback!

  • M

    Meg NorrisNov 23, 2013 at 3:40 pm

    Im a Dem but anyone who supports CC will not get my vote. I am a teacher and a mother and this is the litmus test. Jason Carter fails.

    • A

      annNov 26, 2013 at 8:04 am

      yup, with this statement

      “I think that one of the problems that we’ve had in Georgia is we keep going back and forth with different kinds of mechanisms for assessment and for teaching … Overall I don’t have a problem with the curriculum, but I do have a problem if we’re not giving people the resources they need to implement them.” he sounds just like Barge who said the exact same thing about CC. CCSS must go!

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Exclusive Q & A with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jason Carter