Musicians of Grady pursue their dreams
Kyron Parker records music at home. He often writes lyrics during the school day.
September 24, 2020
Being a high school student is stressful enough. Being a high school student while pursuing your dream simultaneously is even more stressful.
Grady is well known for its academic and artistic prowess. Many students aspire to be musicians in their own right.
It takes time to adapt to making music while in high school. However, after the first month of school, it became a routine instead.
“At this point, music isn’t really affecting my efficiency in school,” said sophomore Kyron Parker. “During certain times at school, I’ve started to make lyrics while listening to my beats at school just to be more efficient.”
Just when the students adjusted, the state went into lockdown due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
“I haven’t made new music in a while because of COVID-19,” Parker said. “Since COVID and quarantine began, I’ve started using different software for beats and for recording.”
For some people, the lockdown was beneficial and helped them chase their dreams even more.
“Making music while in school was okay, but when I got to go home for quarantine I got the chance to pursue my dreams in a much better and easier way,” said sophomore Tyrice Dunn.
“The problem with making music during a school day was that it would sometimes keep me up late, and that would affect my school day because I would be tired,” said Dunn.
Since going to school can affect the time people are able to make their music, it is a common belief that having to go to school will be a distraction. However, in the case of Parker and Dunn, going to school leaves a positive effect on their music
“I think of going to school the opposite of a distraction,” Parker said. “The way I see it, going to school helps me think of my next move for my music, who my demographic is and what type of music the other students at Grady like and enjoy.”
Not only can school function as a means of finding what the next step is or who your music is geared towards, but it can also help provide inspiration for artists.
“For me personally, I see school as a place where I can get inspired,” Dunn said. “It helps me think of new things that I haven’t thought of before, like how people interact with each other or how I interact with people.”
Even though the majority of the effects of quarantine were negative, there are still positives that can be found.
“Quarantine has benefited me in a way that I didn’t know would happen because it lets me sit and marinate on the ideas that I hold in my head,” Parker said.
Along with giving musicians more time to think, COVID-19 has helped musicians come up with a slew of ideas.
“After COVID started, it was cool because I finally had the time I needed for my music,” Dunn said. “Originally, I always stayed up late to write my music, but now I can write my music all day since I don’t have to show up to school in person and give the teacher all my attention.”
For Grady musicians such as Parker and Dunn, the pandemic has affected their normal routines. However, they are able to overcome their difficulties and find the best of their new situation.
“I think all the making music in quarantine has been amazing and interesting to me,” Parker said. “I like what has happened so far, so I’m interested in what happens later on this year.”
Damon Splay • Sep 25, 2020 at 10:37 pm
We make fun of the cliché, make lemonade from lemons, but what these students are saying is how we should carry ourselves in life. Take whatever situation you are presented with and create a positive impactful result. Well written and a significant in the effect it should have on all of us.