Lucas Cowden, sophomore


“Right now, in robotics we’re teaching the new members about different programming tools and how to make 3-D models in Autodesk and other programs. Soon we’ll be teaching them business skills, in case they want to go onto the business team, which is where I work, mainly. It’s pretty interesting. In addition to all the engineering side of robotics, I also learn skills such as writing essays and grants, organizing different events, working with people who are not on the team but who want to get into the robotics thing. I answer questions that people have about the team and about our events that we host. I wish to do an engineering job later in life, like programming or software development, and business skills could help me with that, along with engineering. My biggest passion when it comes to robotics has to do with working with different parts of the robot or just working to help the team to get money to do what they do, and to help people at our school learn more about robotics.”